Ongoing Character Assassination by Sleazin' Risk Sickness aka ''Soul Esprit''.
Well, it's quite understandable why this website is being created. Marie Buchanan has been viciously attacked by this Sleazin' Risk Sickness who goes by the pen name of ''Soul Esprit''. He wants her destroyed and is doing an ongoing character assassination of her, using avatars, bogus youtube accounts (will be provided) and more particularly his pen name 'Soul Esprit' aka, and
Since she immigrated in US in 2006, she did not find any work like a lot of Americans. We need to cover every possible angle with that monster because it ranges from falsely accusing her of being a terrorist (we had those youtube videos removed but she did keep a copy of his lies - the D.C. Office in Washington D.C.was made aware of that) a ''mad murderess'' and to tell that she is from a psychiatric ward when in fact she is not only a master in psychology but she is trained as a researcher as well and the main reason why she is not rich is because she loves far more the truth than money. (HE IS THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO GO TO A PSYCHIATRIC WARD UNTIL HE WILL STOP BEING A DANGER FOR EVERYONE CROSSING HIS PATH OF DESTRUCTION)
because he sent visitors to David Dees' home like he threatened him to do.
For the records, she never had a gun, she never hold a gun in her lifetime and she does not know how to shoot either. Not only that, she is very far from having an history of violence either, Marie Buchanan is the most meek individual I have ever met in my lifetime. What is so dangerous about him is that his lies can produce deadly consequences. There is no way this evil entity can produce what will be provided on this site in support of Marie Buchanan and of course since this is public records, personal information and data is removed from the official documents.
Since she immigrated in US in 2006, she did not find any work like a lot of Americans. We need to cover every possible angle with that monster because it ranges from falsely accusing her of being a terrorist (we had those youtube videos removed but she did keep a copy of his lies - the D.C. Office in Washington D.C.was made aware of that) a ''mad murderess'' and to tell that she is from a psychiatric ward when in fact she is not only a master in psychology but she is trained as a researcher as well and the main reason why she is not rich is because she loves far more the truth than money. (HE IS THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO GO TO A PSYCHIATRIC WARD UNTIL HE WILL STOP BEING A DANGER FOR EVERYONE CROSSING HIS PATH OF DESTRUCTION)
because he sent visitors to David Dees' home like he threatened him to do.
For the records, she never had a gun, she never hold a gun in her lifetime and she does not know how to shoot either. Not only that, she is very far from having an history of violence either, Marie Buchanan is the most meek individual I have ever met in my lifetime. What is so dangerous about him is that his lies can produce deadly consequences. There is no way this evil entity can produce what will be provided on this site in support of Marie Buchanan and of course since this is public records, personal information and data is removed from the official documents.